Monday, July 25, 2016

A √Change

Dear family and friends,
In this long-overdue post, I'm excited to share with you an exciting new adventure in my life. Since visiting home in January, I have been praying and seeking for God's direction for my future. It has become clear to me that the education from Holy Cross will not be enough to support myself in the future, so I've decided that it would be wise to return to my studies of mathematics.

I have been inspired by mathematics since I was 15, and before entering seminary was heading in the direction of becoming a math teacher. The good news is in order to teach college math, I only need two more years of mathematical studies. So, here's the big news: this fall I will be starting a Master's of Applied Mathematics degree at Northeastern University in downtown Boston! Although I won't be able to continue at Holy Cross while working on a MS, I do plan to visit often and to audit a class or two. After completing the MS degree, my plan is to return to Holy Cross to finish the MDiv I started last year.

This is a big change in my life, but I feel it is the right thing to do since it will guarantee a way to support myself in the future. You can expect increasingly nerdy posts. However, to provide a balance, I've added a gardening section to the blog. Enjoy!

Thank you for your support and prayers!

In Christ,

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Back in Boston

Dear friends!

After a refreshing trip home during winter break, I have resumed my studies at Holy Cross. Some highlights from my trip home were going to the Pacific Ocean to bless the waters on the Feast of Theophany, hiking in the Redwoods, and spending time with my family and all my dear friends. 

This is now the end of the second week of classes, and what a blessed time it has been. Liturgy is being served every morning at Holy Resurrection, and this has been an opportunity for the grace of God to enter and sanctify every day in astonishing ways. I feel I am entering deeper into the curriculum at Holy Cross, and contemplating more seriously what it means to serve the church. 

Another great blessing was a vigil that was celebrated at Holy Cross to commemorate the memory of the three great teachers of the Church, Sts. Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom. This vigil was in the style of Anonite vigils, lasting from 7pm to 2am. The chanting was phenomenal; two choirs comprised of some of the best chanters in the country singing with all their hearts in antiphonal style. Their voices were angelic and carried us up into the heavens, making the lengthy vigil seem quite short. I was able to record three hours of the service, which you can listen to in the video below. I hope it gives you a taste of what we experienced, and uplifts and blesses you as much as it did all of us in attendance.  

As a final note, if you feel inspired to support my education, you can do so conveniently by using the "Donate" button. Any support is greatly appreciated!

In Christ,


Monday, October 19, 2015

Autumn on the East Coast

Dear friends,
Growing up in California, I never experienced a true Autumn. Now that I'm living in Boston, I get to experience what I've always sung and read about this wonderful season. To experience the beauty of the season, a few of us went on a wonderful hike yesterday to Mount Monadnock. Besides the wonderful view, the highlight for me was hiking in the snow! There wasn't much, but white powder definitely fell from the sky! 

On another note, school has been going very well. It's been such a wonderful and fulfilling experience; every day I'm presented with interesting classes and wonderful opportunities to interact with incredible people. 

Please pray for me to finish the semester well (I can't believe the semester's half over!), and I will pray for you!

Love in Christ,